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Journalistic Publications:


taz, die tageszeitung
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Neue Zürcher Zeitung
WOZ, die Wochenzeitung
Süddeutsche Zeitung
Spike Art
Amnesty Journal 
Deutsche Welle, Qantara
Zeit Online
Berliner Zeitung
Frankfurter Rundschau

(Not all media have author pages and/or are publicly accessible online archive; sometimes only individual articles are linked.)

Preparatory talk for the interview with Célia Xakriabá in Berlin as part of an educational campaign by indigenous leaders in Europe. On the left the translators Martha Hincapié Charry and Eliane Fernandes Ferreira

Journalistische Genres:
Essay, Column, Interview, Reportage, (Reviews)

Journalistic Discourse:

I contributed a lot to the “review” or “criticism” genre, but I had an ambivalent attitude towards it. I think it has many qualities, including concentrated thinking about art and cultural productions. However, in the currently existing forms I consider it no longer appropriate for everyday reporting. I explained the reasons for this in the lecture-performance Death of a Critic (Festspielhaus Helleraus 2019). Since then, I haven't written any more reviews––which doesn't mean that I don't write any more critical texts.

Journalistic Dialogues/Salons

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